• shawn@shawnhewitt.com
  • 651.491.3331

Jenkins & Co.

Jenkins & Co.

$.10 Jenkins & Co.

$.10 Jenkins & Co.


Herman Jenkins was credited with building the first hotel in Northfield in 1856. Herman Jenkins, Jr. was listed in an 1865 business directory as a merchant of groceries, notions, etc., located on Division Street. This scrip was issued by H. Jenkins, Jr. in 1862 in order to facilitate trade. By 1866, the business was known as Mrs. Emma Jenkins & Co., a variety store. The note does not have the state name printed on it.

The design of the scrip is highly similar to that issued by E. S. Edgerton in the same year. They were both likely printed in Saint Paul by the same printer.

We want to buy paper money like you see here. If you have a note to sell, let us know.