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H. Houlton

H. Houlton

$.05 H. Houlton

$.05 H. Houlton


Horatio Houlton was born in Houlton, Aroostook County, Maine, on August 19, 1834. Like his brother William, he was raised to farming pursuits, receiving such education as could be obtained at a district school during the winter months. He was the first of his family to emigrate westward, in 1854, and took a claim of 160 acres near Monticello, Minnesota. He cultivated the land for two years. In 1860 and the following year, he was part owner of a business that transported goods from Hudson’s Bay. In 1862 and 1863, he supplied beef for a government contract for the Sioux War.

In 1864, Houlton moved to Elk River and opened a general store. It was the beginning of an active interest held by the Houlton family in the development of Sherburne County. His brother William joined him in 1866 and they together operated the store for the next seven years.

In 1868, the Houltons added a saw mill to their mercantile operations. It was the first mill erected at Lower Town, and they partnered with Thomas S. Nickerson. The mill filled an important place in the lumber interests of Elk River until it was destroyed by fire in 1873. The partnership erected a new mill, but soon Horatio became the sole owner of the store and mill.

According to contemporary business directories, H. Houlton offered groceries, dry goods, boots and shoes, clothing, crockery, glassware and more. He issued scrip redeemable for lumber or merchandise at his store, during the prime logging years in central Minnesota. His store continued to operate into the 1880s.

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